Sunday, October 2, 2011

Promethea has definitely been my favorite comic so far. I have several reasons for this, including, but not limited to, its entertainment factor, character dialogues, and alluring images. But what has captivated my interest most of all is the thought-provoking nature of the comic's atmosphere. When reading chapter 5, I was struck by the lines describing the immateria:
Sophie: Listen, first off, I am sitting in a hospital imagining this conversation, right?
Margaret: Well, yes. Your body is sitting in a physical location, and this is all in the imagination. Not your imagination, though. THE imagination.
Sophie: "The imagination?" You make it sound like there's only one of them.
Margaret: There IS. There's a material world, and there's an immaterial world. Both worlds exist, but in different ways. For example, chairs exist. So does the idea of chairs.
Sophie: Well...yeah, but...I mean, everybody's imaginations are separate, aren't they? I mean, everyone has their own private mental space...
Margaret: Of course they do. Just like their house is their own private physical space. But the territory outdoors belongs to everyone.
Sophie: But if your mind behaved like a place...I mean, every time anyone followed a trail of thought...
Margaret: ...they'd be walking in a pathway in the immateria. Humans are amphibious, Sophie. That means they live in two worlds at one: matter and mind...

I found this dialogue fascinating. It may be a fantastical conversation in a fictional comic book, but it definitely highlighted interesting ideas that I had never considered before. It almost reminded me of the concept behind "Inception," where people are living in a communal dream world. I ended up stopping at this page for a few minutes simply to ponder the implications of having two alternate worlds, one material and one "immaterial." What would our real lives be like if we shared our imaginations with those around us? Imaginations, in our modern day (and perhaps always in real life), can be very personal. It is where we create our most longing desires and fantasies--i don't necessarily mean inappropriate, an example, wanting to fly to outer space. It would admittedly be pretty cool if our imaginations shared one central domain, allowing each person their own private territory. I definitely sometimes wonder what crazy thoughts my friends come up with.


  1. What you are saying does sound pretty interesting. I would love to go into this immaterial world but like we discussed in class, it could be very dangerous. Even in the movie Inception, the dream world can be a dangerous place.

  2. I agree with Michele. In Inception, going to the dream world caused Mal to jump off a building in real life, because she was convinced that she was still in the dream world. Going to a place like Immateria would be an experience that I think anyone would want to try, but the question is how many people would have the power to leave once they realized that they could do anything there?


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